5 Features of Amazon RDS Every DBA Must Know

Amazon Relational Database Service or Amazon RDS is a database management service which offers the option to deploy database engines quickly in the cloud. This service offers an inexpensive method for startups for deploying database engines in the cloud. It also gives the ability to scale it up as the business grows at minimal initial cost. Amazon RDS offers six relational database engines including Amazon Aurora, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Maria DB, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server. Here are five RDS features that a DBA must know to make their daily activities easier.

Enhanced Monitoring

Once the RDS Enhanced monitoring feature is enabled, it gives DBAs access to new CPU, Memory, File systems and I/O metrics. DBAs can have more insights about working on the database services with such access. Additionally, DBAs can choose to enable these features on a per-instance basis and select the granularity down to one second.

AWS Database Migration Services (DMS)

With DMS the DBAs can plan to migrate the on-premises relational data to the cloud with virtually zero downtime. This gives advantage of operational efficiency, scale and multiple data storage options. DMS manages a replication instance on AWS which unloads data from the source and loads it into the destination database. The DMS console allows the DBAs to set up their first migration with just several clicks.

Multi Availability Zone RDS Deployments

By enabling Multi A-Z for MySQL, MariaDB, Oracle and PostgreSQl, AWS maintains a synchronous database on a dedicated hardware in a separate data center. This serves as a standby replica. RDS uses an SSD- Backed virtual storage layer. The SSDs are durable, cost effective and high performance robust storage devices. The Amazon Aurora automatically copies the storage volume in six parts to make it incredibly durable and safe.

Amazon RDS Resource Encryption

Compliance is one of the major concerns for the Database Administrators when data migrates to cloud. With RDS encryption feature enabled, all the database stored on the instance, automated backups, and read replica, becomes encrypted. This is important for production databases that hold sensitive and critical data.

Cross Region Read Replica for Amazon RDS

When you users are based out in multiple regions, the Cross Region Read Replicas can get incredible performance benefits for your users. As AWS has its services in multiple regions across the globe, the cross region read replica feature allows the organizations to scale geographically.

Wrap Up

AWS relational database service relieves a lot of pressure from the DBAs. The features of the service allow the DBAs more efficient time management and devote more time to the growth of the organization. Getting consultancy from an AWS partner can further ease your Amazon Cloud database operation with their experience and expertise. To learn more about various Amazon database services and Amazon RDS services for your business enterprises, reach out to a reputable AWS partner in the NCR.