5 AWS Elemental Media Solutions for Video Content Management

Creating a Video-On-Demand Platform or a live streaming app is a complex task and it requires a deep knowledge, skills and expertise. You need to have clear app specifications along with strategies as per the requirements. Once you have an effective strategy, you will need to choose the right tools to start the development. Wrong selection of tools can lead to failure of your project. Additionally, the video streaming industry is a very competitive one; hence it becomes essential to invest in the right development tools and cloud platforms such as AWS media services. AWS media solutions present a fully managed cloud platform that allows you to build high-quality video streamlining applications. There are five standalone video processing tools that enable faster and seamless development of Over-The-Top (OTT) content across devices. Read further to know about the five tools offered by AWS Elemental Media Services that help in easy and seamless video processing and OTT content creation.

AWS Elemental MediaConnect

MediaConnect is a secure, scalable and reliable service offered by AWS Elemental that allows broadcasters to share their content over the cloud. It helps in development of high-quality video transfer workflows and helps deliver them for distribution efficiently and quickly. Due to its pay-as-you-go model, it is a much more cost effective solution as compared to satellite or fiber transmission.

AWS Elemental MediaConvert

MediaConvert is the video transcoding service that allows the content creators to transcode their Video-On-Demand content to stream on multiple screen types. This way, content creators can deliver high quality content to their viewers without the need for managing complicated media processing infrastructure.

AWS Elemental MediaPackage

MediaPackage is a video packaging service that enables the creators to deliver their video content to their viewers through multiple distribution channels and with enhanced security and reliability. It facilitates a cost-effective and secure video distribution method, including Just-in-Time (JIT) packaging with best content protection.

AWS Elemental MediaLive

MediaLive is a fully managed service specially designed for live video processing. This service from AWS elemental allows the broadcasters to create high-quality streams of live events. There are advanced video broadcasting features available with MediaLive for seamless real-time content delivery over secure distribution channels.

AWS Elemental MediaStore

AWS Elemental MediaStore is a video storage service that facilitates high-speed delivery with minimum possible latency. It offers an efficient and economical storage solution for your cloud-based video content and allows you to manage your media sources with enhanced security and protection.

Wrap Up

Amazon Media Services provides plenty of benefits to the broadcasters and content creators. Easy scalability and faster delivery make them one of the best ways to deliver video content to your viewers. Hiring an AWS partner to assist you with managing AWS media services can further enhance your team’s productivity.

4 Top Reasons To Choose AWS For Your Business

Amazon Web Services or also known as AWS, is the world’s largest cloud computing platform, commanding nearly 40% of the cloud computing market share. This is way higher than its two biggest competitors combined – Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud. AWS web hosting is used by over a million customers and boasts an annual revenue of over $10 billion. It has been operating for over 17 years and has only worked on improving its services, giving customers premium Amazon Cloud Support. AWS consulting services is a selection of more than 70 wide-ranging AWS media solutions that meet nearly every business need. So, if you are confused as to which cloud platform is suitable for your business, here are the top four reasons why Amazon web services and cloud support can help your business streamline IT needs in a hassle-free manner. Read on.

AWS services

  1. Efficient

    First things first, Amazon Web Services is highly efficient in terms of consistency, reliability, automation, and disaster recovery, among other things. To start with, AWS media services operates in over 16 geographic regions across the globe. So, customers from every part of the world can enjoy a diverse array of geographic options. Also, AWS is a versatile platform that provides you with all the right tools for disaster recovery. It also offers numerous backup methods like EBS and AMIs snapshots for automated multi-region backups.

  2. Cost-Effective

    Because of its global reach and decentralized nature, AWS is incredibly affordable and easy to use. It uses a pay-as-you-go pricing model where one has to only pay for the services they are using. And you can add up services as your business expands. This is the reason why the majority of small businesses prefer AWS over other cloud platforms – the flexibility over pricing options. The best part is that you can stop and start the services as required.
  1. Scalable

    The AWS infrastructure is designed in such a way that it could be easily scaled to quickly meet the growing needs of a business. Because of its massive cloud-based platform, there is no need to deal with the constraints of physical computing infrastructure, ensuring that access to storage and servers is available on demand. Should you choose to expand your cloud usage or scale back down, you can do it effortlessly when you choose AWS web services.

  2. Customer Support

    Lastly, AWS premium support is what makes it an industry leader. The AWS technical support caters to the need of customers, answering queries and looking after problems with the cloud setup. AWS has made customer support streamlined for customers across the globe with call centers in every major country to ensure that they enjoy a hassle-free cloud experience. You can also hire a reputable managed IT services provider for professional AWS support.


AWS is, no doubt, one of the best and value-for-money cloud service providers. From security to customization options, pricing model to automation, and flexibility to scalability, there is a lot on offer. That being said, enterprises that are looking to opt for AWS web services or media services may often get overwhelmed when having to choose the right plan for their need. That’s when AWS premium support and consulting services can help. Reach out to a leading AWS cloud consulting partner in the NCR region and get AWS technical support for streamlining your enterprise IT requirements without having to run from pillar to pole.

4 Key Reasons to Consider Amazon Redshift for Your Business

Database management is a major task for a range of business enterprises and is a key factor to ensuring overall smooth flow of operations. In the initial stages, there might be a smaller volume of data to be managed, which is easily done with in-house data warehousing. In later stages though, there is a larger flow of data and it can be a complicated task to manage such high volumes of data. If the data is not managed efficiently, it can lead to a lag in the processing time of different applications which eventually impacts the overall productivity. In that case, it is easier to outsource the data warehousing task to a third party. Amazon Redshift is an efficient database management service that is capable of managing all the operations related to the database management of a business. Here are four major reasons to choose Amazon Redshift Database Management Service for your business. Read on.

Easily Manage Large Volume of Data Flow

The basic architecture of Amazon Redshift is designed for querying big data. It allows you to set up a dedicated database for running big data queries in less time. If you want to do that on your own, that might not be as efficient. You can easily combine several databases such as AWS Mysql Database, Aurora Relational Database Service, Amazon Web Services Database for better efficiency and save time.


The decision for the selection of a database management system is greatly affected by the price. Amazon Redshift costs as cheap as $ 1000 per TB/year. This makes it cost-effective when compared to other similar solutions. As Redshift supports many different database types, it is easy to scale up to clusters that are capable of supporting your business needs. The flexible payment options available with Redshift allow you to pay only for what you need. When you hire a managed IT services provider to take care of setting up and managing Amazon Redshift for you, the task becomes even easier and cost-effective in the long run.

No Hardware Management Needed

Amazon handles all the hardware tasks on their end. This eliminates all the worries about hardware management. Running everything on your premise can be quite a hassle. The AWS cloud support allows you to set up alerts so that you are notified of any potential issues. As the Amazon Redshift can be used with other services such as AWS Media Solutions, Aws Live Streaming Service, it is easier to manage those services without having to worry about extra hardware for these services.

Easy Data Movement

Moving data to a data warehouse can pose many difficulties. Redshift is within AWS, which allows the users to efficiently move data to the redshift cluster. In addition to that, it allows you to use the services of a third-party vendor to keep your amazon MySQL data in sync with your redshift cluster. As mentioned earlier, seeking professional support from an experienced AWS service provider and managed IT service provider can help you better manage data without having to face any hassles.

Wrap Up

Amazon Redshift database management system gives you ample reasons to try it. If you are already using some of AWS services, this data warehousing solution can make your work simpler. Hiring consultancy services for AWS cloud services can be very helpful in real-time replication between MySQL, Aurora Relational Database Service, Amazon Web Services Database to the Amazon Redshift. Reach out to a reputable managed IT services provider in Delhi NCR for Aws Media Solutions, Aws Live Streaming Service, Amazon Cloud Support, and Amazon Redshift database management.

4 Reasons to Choose Amazon Web Services

When setting up a business, having easy access to IT infrastructure can go a long way in saving money. Thanks to cloud computing, businesses now have access to myriad IT services virtually, including private cloud hosting and dedicated linux server hosting without having to incur any upfront capital infrastructure costs. Amazon Web Services (AWS) remains the top cloud computing service choice for businesses across the globe. Partnering with an established Amazon web services consultant helps you get set up in a way that drives your business objectives. Here are four reasons why you should choose AWS for your business. 

1. Rich Functionality

Starting from infrastructure technologies such as storage and database to emerging technologies such as machine learning and artificial intelligence, AWS comes with a wider range of features and services as compared to other cloud service providers in the market. This, in turn, helps businesses to easily move existing applications to the cloud and build nearly anything one can imagine. 

2. High Level of Security

When it comes to handling sensitive company data, it is imperative to find secure cloud computing space. AWS is not only backed by a variety of cloud security tools but also features several layers of physical and operational security to ensure data safety. Amazon offers world-class cloud computing services, which are at par with the security requirements of the military, global banks, and other organizations dealing with sensitive data. In addition, AWS supports 90 security standards and compliance certifications that makes it an ideal choice for almost any type of business. 

3. Continuous Innovative Solutions 

Given the changing business dynamics, it is essential to implement a cloud computing solution that supports flexibility as well as scalability. This is one of the reasons the majority of businesses today choose Amazon Web Services. AWS leverages the latest technologies to experiment and innovate more quickly. From a serverless computing space to a fully managed machine learning service, AWS can be easily customized and scaled as per your business needs. 

4. Cost-effectiveness

One of the greatest advantages of Amazon Web Services is its Pay-as-you-go pricing model. This implies that the user pays only for the services they have subscribed to and only for the time the services are active. This refreshing approach to pricing allows businesses to improve their business’s bottom line. 

Wrap Up

Whether you are a small business, a mid size business, or a large scale organization AWS cloud management system is easy to install and can be easily customised to meet your specific business needs. When looking for an Amazon Web Services consultant or a data center service provider or Windows hosting services in India, it is advisable to thoroughly review your options and choose a service provider with extensive years of experience in the industry and a good client rapport.

Benefits of AWS Web Hosting Services to Your Business

Technological advancements are helping successful businesses set the record straight to their customers, investors, and their industrial turf, why they are the best. We are now able to conduct our business around the clock as well as the globe. When you use AWS, a web hosting service that is a collection of remote computing services, it has a lot of benefits, including customizability. You will need to have the most efficient website to reach your target audience without straining your resources. In this post, we share the benefits of AWS web hosting services to your business.

How To Use Amazon Web Services For Your Business

Enhance Customer Engagement

It is essential that you maintain the customers you already have; when you have successfully gained loyalty from your customers, you know what is right for them and not. So it would be best if you created a customer care center that is reliable to help your clients when they need you. You need to understand users so you can better engage with them by making their experience much better as well. It is essential that you also connect with your customers by sending bulk emails at affordable prices. AWS has features such as Amazon connect, pinpoint, and simple email service (SES) to help you get the best for your business and customers.

Read Related: A Brief Guide to the Basics of Amazon Web Services

Business Productivity

Businesses today are incurring huge costs in administration. You can use such services like Alexa for business to empower your business over by voice recognition software. You can conduct meetings online and have video conferencing, chat, send content, and call, within your organization and outside. In a secure channel. There is WorkDocs, WorkMail,

Data Handling

You need to run an array of databases like MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, Oracle, or SQL Server. Your data will be highly scalable and enjoy the high performance from the NoSQL database. There is no lag in data delivery with Elasticache, which takes the load of your database. You can also easily migrate your databases to AWS migration services, and you can also transfer one type of data to another. Database management, smooth migration of files, storage space, and security, you get everything at a single place.

Read More: 5 Best Services offered by Amazon Web Services in 2020

Management Tools

Managing your business requires you to have monitoring tools in place that will notify you of any rampant and expected changes. Services like CloudWatch allow you to set up RDS instances, alarms, and monitor CPU utilization. You can easily group your resources so you can make informed decisions quickly.

Wrap Up

Amazon has a lot of servers spread around the world and can group traffic according to region, zone, and location. To grow your company, you need to concentrate on the business part and outsource web hosting services. You must contact Amazon Web Services consultants and discuss your hosting requirements today. You can get your flexible 24/7/365 Amazon Web services at affordable prices. Search for the best Amazon web service provider to discuss your options.