5 Advantages of Using Zimbra Email Hosting Services

Organisations communicate with stakeholders through emails and also exchange data and information to learn about latest market trends, and go on to formulate their current and future strategies depending on the findings. Corporates, irrespective of size, receive thousands of mail during a normal working day. Managing all such communication is a mammoth task, especially when you rely on a conventional email service. It has, therefore, become common for small and medium sized organizations to avail dedicated email hosting services that operate email servers. Among the options, Zimbra email hosting services is the most sought-after due to the many advantages to users. The blog explores some of the benefits in detail.

Zimbra Hosting - i2k2 Blog

1.Enhanced security

Data loss is one of the gravest threats that businesses face. Zimbra allows you to cut down this risk by a substantial margin. Unlike traditional mailing services, Zimbra keeps a backup of all your mails and helps managing backend infrastructure. The feature mitigates the risk of losing important data and emails during service outages and other incidents. Moreover, hosted Zimbra servers use enterprise firewalls, IPS, Anti spam, anti virus, and anti phishing filters that secure the server against threats such as virus attacks, and security breaches, among others.

2.Low cost

Opting for Zimbra hosting services means you don’t need to invest in costly softwares, server, colocation, or availing specialized services, as the Zimbra service provider offers you all the benefits for  an affordable fee. You can also scale up your plan hassle-free.

3.Compatible with multiple devices and browsers

Zimbra is compatible with different browsers and Microsoft Outlook. You, therefore, don’t need to upgrade to any specific browser and can continue working with the same system even after installing Zimbra collaboration suite. Additionally, you can sync your Android/iOS/Blackberry devices with the system to receive email alerts on the go.

4.Promotes cohesion within teams

Zimbra email hosting solutions allow you to maintain shared mailboxes to ensure your team members can access them from Microsoft Outlook or any other email program. Additionally, you also have the option to create and share calendars with your staff and provide them access to ensure they can make changes in each other’s calendars. The feature helps enhance co-operation and coordination within teams.  

5.Importing data is easy

Zimbra archives mails, therefore, making it easy to retrieve calendars, contacts , emails, and other relevant data as and when required from different email programs. Moreover, you can also import emails from Microsoft Exchange, IMAP and a variety of platforms.


The blog focused on some advantages of availing Zimbra email hosting services. Installing the latest Zimbra version helps you streamline your business by organising emails that different departments receive, facilitating inter team coordination as well as cohesion between different departments. Talk to a reliable provider like i2k2 Networks of Zimbra hosting services to get more information and answers to your questions.

Why Organizations Should Shift Towards a Cloud-Based Mailing System

Most organizations today depend heavily on email services for client as well as interdepartmental communication. Internal email services, however, require an organization to install in-house servers and can be scaled and modified only up to a certain level. Businesses, are increasingly becoming aware of these shortcomings and are shifting towards cloud email services that don’t require complicated, hardware and software for day to day operation. If you too are looking for a cost-effective mailer system for your business, you should explore the option considering the following benefits of cloud email services:

Why Organizations Should Shift Towards a Cloud-Based Mailing System

Maintenance is Easy and Hassle Free

Maintaining servers take up a substantial part of the productive hours of any IT department. These devices are complex, expensive, and require continuous upgrades. Businesses opting for cloud-based email services don’t need to maintain servers and are, therefore, save a significant amount of money. In addition, the IT Department gets more time to focus on more useful projects. Switching to this system from the existing one that uses servers also helps in saving energy costs.

Easier to Retrieve Data

Businesses store critical data in their email archives and are always at the risk of losing access to vital information if they insist on using a server-based email system. On the contrary, a cloud-based system stores all the data on the cloud. Organizations can easily retrieve any information even if the mobile device crashes.

Access on the go

Traditional server-based email services don’t work outside a company’s premises. The restricted access to their e-mails that employees receive can make co-ordination and planning difficult and result in a decrease in productivity. On the contrary, the employees of a business that uses cloud-based services can access their emails 24-hours and throughout the year even when they’re working from a remote location.


Cloud-based email services are more affordable than installing dedicated servers, therefore, enabling the business to channel the savings that they realize towards financing new and more profitable projects.

Final Words

Cloud-based computing services are becoming increasingly popular with every passing day due to numerous benefits that come along. Businesses should, however, do a comparative analysis of their needs and what the provider is offering before opting for a package. Organizations with specific needs and requirements can also request their provider to develop a customized package for them to make sure that everything is planned and aligned to meet their business objectives.

Email Hosting Services – Why Does Your Business Need It?

Whether you are a start-up, mid-scale company or big enterprise, you would always give excellent communication a credit for generating some share of the revenue. Be it managing the internal team or interacting with the clients, an effective communication is required to attain the desired goals.

Email is an effective and efficient way of communication. For every business, in India or abroad, having a personalized email account is a necessity. It not just helps in sending the right message but also creating a brand identity of the business. There are several email hosting services providers offering uninterrupted assistance at an affordable price.

Email Hosting Services

Advantages of Email Hosting

There are several benefits of email hosting. India, US, UK or anywhere else in the world, businesses can’t have an efficient two-way communication without this channel.

Email at your Domain Name

Nothing can give your company more recognition than a personalized email with its domain. Sending customers emails with your own domain name serves marketing and branding purpose well.

Virus and Spam Protection

Internet is not a secure place because there are several individuals looking for a chance to use your identity for scams. There have been incidents of hackers causing financial loss to businesses through unsecured servers. So, it is better to have a service provider who offers virus and spam free service.

Increased Efficiency

An email hosting service helps businesses in communicating seamlessly with the customers or the internal team. They can choose different formats irrespective of how the mail was received or sent.

Improved Filtering

Nobody would want to waste time in opening a bundle of emails only to find out that most of it is spam. Email hosting services providers offer filtering feature that removes all the spam from the inbox and saves your time.

Email hosting services providers offer customized plans so that businesses can make a choice as per their requirements. Before you partner with a hosting company, make sure that it has a sound infrastructure to support your business. Safety, security and confidentiality of data should also be considered while choosing an email hosting company. At last, it is always a good idea to seek services of a provider who can keep a backup of the data so that the settings can be restored even after the server encounters a problem.

5 Ways Email Hosting Boosts Productivity

Email is an effective way of communication for businesses. Email hosting service providers allow businesses to customize their emails as per their preferences. This has proven to have a positive impact on the operations of the companies. Here are some of the advantages of email hosting.

Customized tools and options

Emailing comes with a host of tools and options to enhance the experience of the users. The user interface of email hosting service provider backed webmail is optimized to fit the needs and requirements of the business. It enables the resources to give their best and make the most of technology.

No ads

The public email domains are flooded with ads. Email hosting, on the other hand, does not majorly rely on branding to generate revenue. You pay for their services and eliminating the need to look for additional streams of income.

Better internal communication Emails are not just for external communication; they are valuable for interdepartmental and intradepartmental communication. Customized email can be synced to other important programs and applications to promote close knit communication. This enhances the overall teamwork and allows coworkers to become a coherent group.


Email hosting provides a better security to your mailing communication. Email hosting providers offer their services with various tools to assure no important data is lost. It also ensures that unauthorized party doesn’t get access to any important data. The data is encrypted to prevent unauthorized access from a third party.

Easy contact sharing

Customized emails have a database for official contacts, which saves time and makes it easier for the employees to communicate. .

These are some of the advantages of using email server hosting services. . Email hosting services can be of great help irrespective of the size of your organization.