5 Reasons to Choose Good Web Hosting Service

If your online business has a poor website, there are slim chances of its success. A bad website can result in a bad user experience, which can in-turn cost you a lot of business. The foundations of any successful website lies in the kind of web hosting service being used. Neglecting the importance of web hosting services can have disastrous impacts on your website and eventually on your business. When you are looking for a web hosting company, it’s easy to choose the one that may require you to spend the least. Web hosting, however, should be seen as an important investment for your business. It is, therefore, important to ensure that you choose a good web hosting service provider. Continuing on the subject, in this post, we will discuss five important reasons to choose a good web hosting service. Read on.

Decreased Website Load Time

A slow loading website is off-putting for users and can drive them away from your website. Studies suggest that if a website takes more than 3 seconds to load, most users browse away from such websites. This also increases the bounce rate of your website, which is not good for your SEO ranking. On the other hand, a fast website offers a better user experience therefore visitors stay longer on the website and are more likely to convert into customers.

Minimum Down Time

A good web hosting provider will ensure minimum downtime. You will not want that when your users try to visit your website, it is unavailable for them due to technical issues with your web hosting. Most good hosting providers ensure 99.9% uptime with room for necessary server maintenance. Before you choose your web hosting company, you should verify the uptime they offer and if they offer any type of uptime guarantee.

Better Website Security

Generally speaking, people overlook website security very often and think about it only once it is too late. It is important that you take proper security measures to keep your website safe against cyber-attacks. You can use security plugins and firewalls that help in keeping your website software up to date and ensure better security. But all of your security measures will mean nothing if your web hosting provider does not have security on priority. A high-quality hosting provider will have regular website backups, firewalls, and other ways to protect the web server.

Comprehensive Support

No matter how much you are careful about your website, there are always chances of some technical glitches that can hamper your website’s performance. If something goes wrong with your web hosting, you will need support from your web hosting provider or you may lose your data, stats and a lot of business. Choose a web hosting service that offers comprehensive support including tools, knowhow, and back-ups of your data.

Wrap Up

As you can see, a good web hosting provider is vital for the success of your website and business. It is important you invest money in a good web hosting service instead of jumping at a low cost deal. You need to consider the requirements of your website and choose the one that offers reliability and quality in terms of service and support. If you are looking to avail web hosting services in India, reach out to a reputable web hosting company based out of Delhi, NCR.

Linux Hosting vs Windows Hosting: Understanding the Differences

Recent reports have revealed that Linux servers are gaining huge popularity since 2017, making up 56 percent of all web servers. Some of the integral factors that decide whether you want Windows hosting or Linux hosting are the type of technologies you use with your server, overall security and stability, and cost of ownership. Continuing on the subject, in this blog post, we highlight the pros and cons of both the competing platforms to give you an idea of what to choose and the features to look for while deciding the operating system for your project. Read on!

1. User Interface

When compared to Windows hosting, Linux hosting offers superior security and stability to your online infrastructure. For businesses that run complicated and critical web applications, Linux servers can be the most ideal choice. Businesses should also consider software and hardware compatibility while choosing the right operating systems for their requirements. Windows server is a good option for businesses using legacy databases and applications in the current times. 

2. Usage

Generally, windows servers are used by large corporate environments where they are used as Exchange or Sharepoint server. On the other hand, Linux hosting can be an ideal choice for experienced web developers who have hands-on experience in configuring NGINX and Apache web servers and use PHP, Perl, or Python along with MySQL database. Linux servers can provide a significant support structure to these development tools.

3. Domains, Diskspace, and Database

When it comes to disk space, domains, and databases, Linux attains more points as many web hosting companies use it to efficiently manage a number of domains via cPanel. Some of the top web applications starting from wikis and CMS tools to microblogs and bulletin boards can easily be deployed through an effective pre configured MySQL server that utilizes cPanel as its administrative portal.

4. Technical Support and Security

Again, Linux servers gain higher points when it comes to reliability and security. Many businesses have experienced a wonderful journey with Linux servers that can work efficiently without being rebooted for several years. Linux hosting also holds an ability to businesses software packages and web applications up to date without any unwanted interaction from the user.

Wrap Up

It is important to analyze your needs and goals before choosing the right web host and operating system for your organization. Both Linux and Windows have their own pros and cons and it is important to understand the needs of your business and how a specific host can help you accomplish them without wasting your money and efforts. To know more about the most ideal web hosting service for your business, connect with a reputable IT managed services provider in the NCR offering Linux and windows hosting, colocation services, email hosting services, public and AWS cloud hosting, and backup solutions in India.

5 Advantages of Choosing Linux based Cloud Server Hosting

Cloud hosted servers allow fully-fledged websites with complex implementations and high resource utilisation over cloud infrastructure. A dedicated Linux server ensures that users get consistent performance with dedicated hardware resources for their cloud-based application. Although relatively high costs of the dedicated hosting plans discourage many users to opt for them, choosing Linux based dedicated cloud server hosting would enable organizations to minimize costs and extract maximised functionality from the server instance.


Five advantages of choosing Linux for the server hosting instances-

1. Stability

Linux-based cloud servers offer more stability than those based on Windows. Such servers don’t slow down with usage over time. Furthermore, Linux servers have lesser instances of memory leaks and down-time. Linux offers open source editions such as Free BSD, RedHat, and Debian, which are also free of cost. Being open source implies that the Linux platform remains free from any virus contingencies, as a  public forum of developers, monitor and remove any bugs, enhancing the security and stability. Desktop and other server applications required for web designing such as Web Server, File Server, DNS Server and FTP are also free to use for the cloud server to use.

2. Cost Effectiveness

Dedicated servers based on Linux or Linux distributions such as Ubuntu, Debian or CentOS, require limited set-up costs due to their open source origins. Furthermore, being on cloud infrastructure, lack of on-premises server infrastructure also negates operational expenses in the form of power and administration costs. Applications such as PHP, MySQL, WordPress and Zen Cart integrate easily with Linux based server instance, and further slash the cost incurred by the organizations. Hence, incorporating cloud computing allows enterprises to save substantial capital costs with zero application requirements and in-house server storage.

3. Manageability

Linux-based cloud server instances present simplified yet enhanced infrastructure management and maintenance capabilities via central resources administration, SLA-backed agreements and vendor managed infrastructure. Vendors have the responsibility of updating infrastructure, and SLA-backed timely service delivery subsistence, while clients benefit from a simple web-based interface for accessing applications, software, and services. Organizations benefit by this reduced response time, and vendor managed centralized management, by focusing on essential business areas and delivering newer applications, without any costs upfront and minimal provisioning time.

4. No Licensing required

Linux is an open-source operating system. Thereby, it’s a viable option for small business ventures and organizations who wish for a low-cost option for their servers.There is no expensive licensing fee associated with usage of Linux which makes it an extremely cost-effective server-instance solution. Server and Desktop applications such as DNS server, Web server, etc. are free of cost, while open source content management systems associated with Linux,  such as WordPress, Drupal, Joomla and phpBB run on the Linux platform also don’t need any setup cost or licensing.

5. Flexibility

Linux platform is easily customizable and adaptive to varied scenarios. Websites usually require usage of scripting languages such as PHP, Perl or MySQL, then choosing Linux OS over Windows for the cloud server hosting is a better option since Windows doesn’t permit these scripting languages. Linux based infrastructure allows usage of desktop and server applications along with embedded applications.  Cloud server architects are required to install required components only, thus saving disk space on the underlying server hardware. This is possible due to the General Public License (GNU) categorization of the applications developed based on Linux. Any of the Linux distributions available such as Fedora, CentOS, Debian and Redhat can be chosen, as per the requirement of the cloud based dedicated server.

Bottom Line

Choosing a Linux based dedicated cloud server instance might not offer a solution to every web development scenario, it is proven to be better than other operating systems giving server hosting,  especially Windows. Essential advantages associated with Linux include stability, compatibility and lower costs for web development, and it’s the reason that Linux is used as the preferred server operating systems across the world, along with the world’s ten fastest supercomputers.

4 Reasons it Makes Sense to Host Business Mobile Apps


Almost every business these days needs applications, from a word document to teamwork and email apps such as Zimbra, for its day to day work. That’s the reason the need for mobile computing servers has significantly increased over the years. In fact, when managing IT applications in a cost-effective manner, hardly a company can accomplish the task, without mobile application hosting services. Here are four of the biggest reasons you should host your mobile apps.

1. Costs

When you host web applications on the cloud, you neither have to purchase costly hardware nor maintain them for the apps your business needs to carry its work. This benefit also helps increase your operational efficiency, as you get more time for the development and upgradations of apps, besides being able to concentrate more on core business objectives.

2. Compatibility

The biggest advantage of cloud computing is that it offers you all the tools that you can optimally cater to your business. As a result, when you host apps on the cloud, you never have to worry about the compatibility of different operating systems. You can efficiently use and develop apps, be it android, windows, or for any other operating system, on the go.  

3. Scalability

Businesses can grow good in less time. While that’s good news, when you have more employees, you need more server space to accommodate their work requirements. Here’s where cloud beats in-house servers, as when the usage of particular apps increases, the cloud automatically adjusts to your business needs. By hosting apps in the cloud, you can scale your requirements up and down.

4. Speed

The cloud always proves cost-effective when you have to increase the storage and the networking speed. In fact, within seconds, you can get more storage and bandwidth to host all your business apps, depending on your service provider. No wonder why companies go with big cloud service providers such as Amazon and Azure. On the other hand, purchasing new servers and other required equipment to host applications is not only costly, but also time-consuming.


Given the increased need for data processing, almost every business, these days, finds it sensible to host applications, which is evident from the increasing number of mobile computing servers. Using mobile application hosting services brings numerous advantages, especially for small businesses who have less resources, but bigger IT needs, and wish to compete with larger firms

Dedicated Server Hosting: Empowering your Company

There are multiple options available for a company to choose as their server options – shared, Virtual Private Server (VPS) and dedicated server. Each has its benefits and as a company you need to decide on the type of server you want to opt for depending on the traffic on site. Shared server is a great option if you are a startup company and do not expect much traffic on the site, VPS is a viable option if you have moderate traffic and are looking to run moderately CPU and memory consuming software. Lastly, dedicated server means server, CPU, memory and support completely dedicated for your company. This means that you can run applications that consume CPU and memory without any hassles and get dedicated support.

Dedicated Server Hosting


Dedicated hosting services are tailor made for the website that it is hosting and similarly the resources also are dedicated for single website. In case, there is a need to increase the requirement due to increase in traffic, it can be done easily.

Administrative Privileges

Dedicated servers come with administrative privileges that allow you to modify the requirements and monitor the usage. This is not possible in case of VPN and shared servers. Access to key server functionalities is either restricted or blocked in either case and hence does not allow for customization.


Shared servers share their resources among various websites and hence open for attack. VPS servers are more secured than shared server, nevertheless the service provider has access to all the data stored on VPS. A work around this in corporate world is having service level agreements and clauses. On the other hand, a dedicated server is completely secured from this kind of intrusion as the service provider is only managing the server for you and you have all the access and administration privileges for making changes in the server data.

External threats are dealt with by providing a dedicated firewall to the server to ensure there is no intrusion from external sources and discourage hacking. Dedicated hosting provider is responsible for this firewall and to ensure that it is running at all times.


Dedicated hosting service is better suited for companies that are looking for heavy traffic and sensitive data as dedicated server is capable of handling heavy traffic and security, at the same time.