4 Key Reasons to Consider Amazon Redshift for Your Business

Database management is a major task for a range of business enterprises and is a key factor to ensuring overall smooth flow of operations. In the initial stages, there might be a smaller volume of data to be managed, which is easily done with in-house data warehousing. In later stages though, there is a larger flow of data and it can be a complicated task to manage such high volumes of data. If the data is not managed efficiently, it can lead to a lag in the processing time of different applications which eventually impacts the overall productivity. In that case, it is easier to outsource the data warehousing task to a third party. Amazon Redshift is an efficient database management service that is capable of managing all the operations related to the database management of a business. Here are four major reasons to choose Amazon Redshift Database Management Service for your business. Read on.

Easily Manage Large Volume of Data Flow

The basic architecture of Amazon Redshift is designed for querying big data. It allows you to set up a dedicated database for running big data queries in less time. If you want to do that on your own, that might not be as efficient. You can easily combine several databases such as AWS Mysql Database, Aurora Relational Database Service, Amazon Web Services Database for better efficiency and save time.


The decision for the selection of a database management system is greatly affected by the price. Amazon Redshift costs as cheap as $ 1000 per TB/year. This makes it cost-effective when compared to other similar solutions. As Redshift supports many different database types, it is easy to scale up to clusters that are capable of supporting your business needs. The flexible payment options available with Redshift allow you to pay only for what you need. When you hire a managed IT services provider to take care of setting up and managing Amazon Redshift for you, the task becomes even easier and cost-effective in the long run.

No Hardware Management Needed

Amazon handles all the hardware tasks on their end. This eliminates all the worries about hardware management. Running everything on your premise can be quite a hassle. The AWS cloud support allows you to set up alerts so that you are notified of any potential issues. As the Amazon Redshift can be used with other services such as AWS Media Solutions, Aws Live Streaming Service, it is easier to manage those services without having to worry about extra hardware for these services.

Easy Data Movement

Moving data to a data warehouse can pose many difficulties. Redshift is within AWS, which allows the users to efficiently move data to the redshift cluster. In addition to that, it allows you to use the services of a third-party vendor to keep your amazon MySQL data in sync with your redshift cluster. As mentioned earlier, seeking professional support from an experienced AWS service provider and managed IT service provider can help you better manage data without having to face any hassles.

Wrap Up

Amazon Redshift database management system gives you ample reasons to try it. If you are already using some of AWS services, this data warehousing solution can make your work simpler. Hiring consultancy services for AWS cloud services can be very helpful in real-time replication between MySQL, Aurora Relational Database Service, Amazon Web Services Database to the Amazon Redshift. Reach out to a reputable managed IT services provider in Delhi NCR for Aws Media Solutions, Aws Live Streaming Service, Amazon Cloud Support, and Amazon Redshift database management.