Windows Server 2003 updates to stop soon; what now?

dedicated windows server hostingMany IT companies are taking a cue from others like them who have migrated their data base to some form of a cloud server.  Features like expandable storage and enhanced data backup services that are offered by remote data servers enable the IT companies to have all the incentive required to make the move. It has been estimated that around 11 million windows server 2003 were installed globally. However, Microsoft has announced that they will no longer issue any security updates for the Windows Server 2003 version. The question is where does that leave them, now that windows has announced that it won’t issue any more security updates for the server after July 14th?

Limitations involved

Many companies are of the opinion that the logical step here is to upgrade to the 2012 edition of Windows server. While upgrading the edition of Windows server will indeed make for a more secure, user friendly server, it does not eliminate the standard risks involved with retaining an in-house server, as opposed to a remotely located one. Some of the risks involved include:

Limited IT support

Heavy servers demand constant backing from the IT department, leaving companies with huge bills. On the other hand, a remote server offers constant IT support, ensuring business goes on as usual even in a tight situation.

Limited or no disaster recovery plan

This is the most crucial security benefit of migrating and database and other operations to a cloud/ remote server. Such servers host a range of sizable companies, and offer data backup services, so that important information remains safe even if a natural calamity or technical disaster interferes.

Limited Monitoring

As a business owner, you’d expect reports, stats, and most importantly constant monitoring of your server, to be sure everything always runs smoothly. Remote servers are contractually bound to deliver on all those grounds.

Limited storage

It is estimated that storage demand for the average IT company increases several times (not just by a mere percentage of the existing amount), every year. This implies that companies either have to constantly spend thousands of dollars to increase the available storage space or settle for inculcating a limited amount of applications and other security controls, in light of the limited available space.

No File Encryption

File sharing is an important part of any enterprise. The said files often contain crucial information which can prove detrimental to the company in case they fall into the wrong hands. File encryption is often an added benefit that remote data servers offer.

2014 was a particularly bad year for internet security yet there was no shortage of technological advancements. With Windows server 2003, calling the end of the line for their security updates, it’s a perfect opportunity for companies across the globe that relied on the server to move their operations to a cloud system and reap the benefits.