Linux Hosting vs Windows Hosting: Understanding the Differences

Recent reports have revealed that Linux servers are gaining huge popularity since 2017, making up 56 percent of all web servers. Some of the integral factors that decide whether you want Windows hosting or Linux hosting are the type of technologies you use with your server, overall security and stability, and cost of ownership. Continuing on the subject, in this blog post, we highlight the pros and cons of both the competing platforms to give you an idea of what to choose and the features to look for while deciding the operating system for your project. Read on!

1. User Interface

When compared to Windows hosting, Linux hosting offers superior security and stability to your online infrastructure. For businesses that run complicated and critical web applications, Linux servers can be the most ideal choice. Businesses should also consider software and hardware compatibility while choosing the right operating systems for their requirements. Windows server is a good option for businesses using legacy databases and applications in the current times. 

2. Usage

Generally, windows servers are used by large corporate environments where they are used as Exchange or Sharepoint server. On the other hand, Linux hosting can be an ideal choice for experienced web developers who have hands-on experience in configuring NGINX and Apache web servers and use PHP, Perl, or Python along with MySQL database. Linux servers can provide a significant support structure to these development tools.

3. Domains, Diskspace, and Database

When it comes to disk space, domains, and databases, Linux attains more points as many web hosting companies use it to efficiently manage a number of domains via cPanel. Some of the top web applications starting from wikis and CMS tools to microblogs and bulletin boards can easily be deployed through an effective pre configured MySQL server that utilizes cPanel as its administrative portal.

4. Technical Support and Security

Again, Linux servers gain higher points when it comes to reliability and security. Many businesses have experienced a wonderful journey with Linux servers that can work efficiently without being rebooted for several years. Linux hosting also holds an ability to businesses software packages and web applications up to date without any unwanted interaction from the user.

Wrap Up

It is important to analyze your needs and goals before choosing the right web host and operating system for your organization. Both Linux and Windows have their own pros and cons and it is important to understand the needs of your business and how a specific host can help you accomplish them without wasting your money and efforts. To know more about the most ideal web hosting service for your business, connect with a reputable IT managed services provider in the NCR offering Linux and windows hosting, colocation services, email hosting services, public and AWS cloud hosting, and backup solutions in India.

Benefits of Using Data Center Services

Humans, business organizations, and devices are constantly churning out large volumes of data onto the internet. Modern-day IT-supported companies are struggling to collect, store and analyze data to make informed decisions. Data service centers help companies manage data by collecting, storing, processing, distributing, and granting access to data. A data center service provider is a centralized location housing computing and networking equipment. In India, data centers have relatively low running costs enabling them to charge less for top-tier services. In this post, we share the benefits of data center services. Read on.


1. 100 % Uptime UPS and Generators

Over the years technological advancements have changed the way companies do business. Companies and customers are now able to operate without a fixed location and working hours. It is important to stay online as a few minutes offline or minor disruptions in connectivity can cost a business huge losses and irreparable damage to its reputation. Data center service providers guarantee 99.95% uptime with UPS and have generators on standby for electricity load protection.

2. Service Level Agreement

A service level agreement is when a client discusses exactly what they want with the service provider.  The provider will then offer the specific service the client asked for, without charging a full price for other services not rendered, which usually come with the package.

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 3. Secure Facilities

It is important to control access to your data from threats such as viruses, hacking, and vandalism. You need assurance that your company’s confidential information does not filter into the wrong hands. Data center service providers have 24/7 access-controlled facilities and guarantee the safety of information from any threats. They have cameras and an array of security monitoring systems on the facilities.

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4. Remote Access

The traditional methods of storing information on paper and company computers require you to invest a lot of money buying equipment that will quickly become obsolete with data creation increasing by the day. It is also time-consuming to file and retrieve data stored on hard copies when urgently required. Data center service providers allow you access to your data remotely from anywhere.

Wrap Up

The benefits of delegating your data handling to data center service providers include allowing your company to minimize expenditure on staffing and buying expensive equipment for an in-house IT department. Search online for a reputable data center in Delhi-NCR in India whether you want web hosting or other related services.