5 IT Managed Services to Look For In 2019


In today’s technologically steadfast world, businesses have to rely on different IT managed services to keep up with customer demands, infrastructure issues, and certain internal changes, among others. The need to combat these inevitable scenarios demands functional and reliable IT departments. IT managed services providers can help your organization attain the desired capacities without having to invest heavily in payroll and infrastructure expenses. Here are 5 IT managed services that you should look into in 2019. Read on.

Blockchain and IoT

In 2019, blockchain and IoT have been gaining tremendous attraction from a variety of businesses and this also means more opportunities for managed service providers. Organizations require expert intervention to deal with technological implementations. Managed services come with essential skills such as AR, VR, and AI, which are much relevant today.

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Cloud and Automation

More and more business platforms being built on the cloud to improve customer engagement. Cloud computing eliminates or reduces hardware infrastructure, which results in huge savings. While the concept is still evolving, the options to use the technology does not seem to stop growing. More options also mean more solutions. Similarly, automation is helping businesses to minimize workload, Managed service providers identify these issues and provide automation solutions to businesses.

Improved Security

A decade ago, or even five years ago, cyber-attacks were quite difficult to prevent and deal with. The number does not seem to go down but now there is a way to protect your business from them. Managed service providers offer greater security against cyber-attacks by securing the client infrastructure and putting it all in contingency plans and recover them in case of cyber-attacks. 

Outcome-Based Services

Technology has allowed people to taste the ability to quantify results in real-time. This has led more companies to go after outcome-based services. The pressure to deliver on the promises has never been greater. This is where managed service providers come to your organization’s needs. Managed services will take up these challenges and deliver results on your behalf to your customers.

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Hyperconverged Infrastructure

Hyperconverged infrastructure means drawing all the infrastructure of the company together. An example of hyper-converged infrastructure is connecting networking, computation, and storage in a single and easy-to-use system. Now that organizations want all solutions in one place, the need to keep up with this demand has seen many tools and services merge. Managed services providers that lack certain solutions are merging their tools and services to deliver the results that customers are looking for.

Wrap Up

Not only are managed services assisting businesses in delivering the desired results to their customers, but they are also creating opportunities for the internal IT departments to focus their talents on other projects and innovations. Apart from increasing productivity and allowing for strategic planning, managed services also maximize a business’s IT budget allowing it to make the most out of its investment.